Cancer Treatment
Side Effect Management

We are committed to excellence in your cancer care. Our goal is to help you achieve the very best quality of life and wellness. Below we've provided education on managing common side effects patients have from cancer treatment.


Anxiety Management from Cancer Treatment

Anxiety is an uneasiness, worry, or fear that is a reaction to stress, uncertainty and life-changing experience. Anxiety can occur anytime, especially at a cancer diagnosis, when waiting for test results or completing tests, or when undergoing cancer treatment. It can increase if a person has pain or is disabled or has limited resources and assistance.

Constipation Management from Cancer Treatment

Constipation is the difficult passage of hard bowel movements.

Dehydration Management from Cancer Treatment

Depression Management from Cancer Treatment

Depression is sadness and grief can occur as reactions to crises, stress, and uncertainty.

Diarrhea Management from Cancer Treatment

Diarrhea is watery bowel movements.

Take Imodium 2 tablets (2 mg each) at first episode of diarrhea, then 2 mg every 2 hours until resolved. If diarrhea occurs after eating, try taking Imodium 1 tablet before each meal.

Eye Changes That Can Occur Due to Treatment of Cancer

Fatigue Management from Cancer Treatment

General weakness, exhaustion, or lack of energy.

CALL IMMEDIATELY with symptoms of chest pain, palpitations, progressive shortness of breath, pain during deep breathing, lightheadedness, unsteady gait or dehydration.

Hair Loss (Alopecia) Management

Insomnia Management from Cancer Treatment

Anxiety is the experience of not being able to fall asleep and stay asleep. Sleep can be affected by illness, anxiety, pain, treatment, medications, and stress. Insomnia can cause you to feel tired or irritable, or can cause depression.

Low Platelet Count Management From Cancer Treatment

Platelets are fragments of blood cells that normally help prevent bleeding.

Low platelet counts may occur temporarily during your treatment cycles. When your platelet count is low, you may be at increased risk for bleeding.

Managing Low White Blood Cell Count from Cancer Treatment

White blood cells are needed to help prevent infections. Low white blood cell counts may place you at increased risk for infection.

Managing Mouth Soreness From Cancer Treatment

Managing Nail Changes from Cancer Treatment

Managing Nausea From Cancer Treatment

There are several possible causes of nausea during your treatment. Most common cause is development of an underlying inflammation of the stomach (gastritis). The goal is to minimize and control stomach (gastric) inflammation.

Managing Respiratory Infections from Cancer Treatment

Respiratory infection of the head or chest are usually caused by a virus, and occasionally, by bacteria.

Managing Skin Changes From Cancer Treatment

Managing Taste Changes from Cancer Treatment


Schedule an appointment with our cancer treatment experts in Broomall, Newtown Square, or Glen Mills, PA.